
Let’s just talk about The State of the Weave first, shall we? These are photos of Britney Spears out and about yesterday in LA. Now, just a few days ago we saw that Britney’s weave/extensions were back to looking like a hot mess. Not as bad as a few months ago, but still hideous and gross. When Britney stepped out yesterday, the hot mess still continued, although it did look clean like Britney is trying to do something with it. I think she had new extensions put in too – but now she’s got a mullet appearance. Like she’s growing out her bangs trauma and the rest of her hair/extensions are too long:


Listen to me, Brit. Just cut it all off. Give yourself a little pixie cut, or even shave your head again. No one will judge you. We already think you’re crazy, so why not just start with a clean hair slate? And beyond the busted mullet, Brit does look pretty good. All of her parts are covered up, she’s wearing a nice blouse and a bra. It was a good day.

On other Brit-Brit news, her episode of Glee comes on next week. Here’s the promo for it. I’m not even sure which one is Britney, honestly.

Cute? Sure. I actually love that Britney gets some television work every now and then. It’s great that they let her come on Glee, and I bet she had a great time.



Britney Spears on Sept. 22, 2010. Credit: Fame.
