As well as those inappropriate sexual advances from her own stepfather, Julie Andrews received another shocking revelation regarding her real father. At the age of 14, she was brought by her mother to a social engagement where the young singer was introduced to a man whom she was told was her biological father. That man was not Edward Wells, the man her mother divorced when Julie was seven. Despite the split, Andrews still considered Wells to be her true father, and the revelation that he wasn't came as a shock. (Andrews has never revealed the name of her true biological father, according to ABC News.)

Remembering this time, Andrews later said (via ABC News) that she only met her real dad twice and corresponded a few times with him throughout her life. "I didn't know if my dad knew that he was my father, so I never could talk about it with him. What if he didn't know? Why would I hurt him? What if it wasn't true?" Andrews said. All this combined with her own mother's later issues with mental health and depression left Andrews afraid she, too, might suffer a breakdown. She wrote in her book that at the age of 14(via Daily Mail), "I began to hear voices in my head at night, a crazy chatter, and I worried that I might go mad,"
