With the variety of NPCs you meet in Baldur’s Gate 3, it’s often hard to ascertain if a particular character is genuinely good or has evil ulterior motives. One such character is Omeluum, a Mind Flayer who has supposedly escaped his connection with the Mother Brain. Omeluum genuinely comes off as a good character when you encounter him for the very first time in the Underdark.

His tale goes over how he was being controlled by the Mother Brain, and after severing his connections with it, he truly repents his actions and wants to do the right thing as he knows what it feels like to be mind controlled.

He will offer you his help and make a potion that will cure you of the parasite in your brain. However, many in the community are finding his good nature to be rather suspicious, especially because he is a Mind Flayer.

Hence, today’s Baldur’s Gate 3 guide will deal with whether you should trust Omeluum and allow him to make the potion for you.

Should you trust Omeluum in Baldur’s Gate 3?

Omeluum has left many players confused. (Image via Baldur's Gate3)

Yes! You should trust the Omeluum in Baldur’s Gate 3 as the Mind Flayer was actually able to turn a new leaf after separating himself from the influence of the Brain Mother. In the lore, he is good-aligned, and you are advised to actively seek him out and get his help to make the potion that might rid you of the Mind Flayer Parasite in your character’s brain.

Additionally, there are no negative consequences that you will be facing for this choice. Party members will not leave, and neither will certain quests be made unavailable.

What happens if you trust Omeluum and seek his help in Baldur’s Gate 3?

Omeluum is one of the most important figures who will be helping you find a cure for the parasite. Once you have made your way to the Underdark and interacted with him, the NPC will ask you to gather certain ingredients in order to help him make the potion for you.

Omeluum will help you find a cure for the parasite in your brain. (Image via Baldur's Gate3)

After collecting the required resources, go back to him, and he will brew the potion for you. However, the potion will fail, as after drinking it, the parasite will squirm in pain. But the damage will not be fatal.

Fortunately, Omeluum will give you a Ring of Mind-Shielding by the end of the quest, which will give your character an advantage against being charmed, making it one of the best items to obtain early on in the Baldur’s Gate 3 progression.

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